Vicini al sogno, tutti in Libreria IBS a BOLOGNA **Close to the dream, see you all at IBS library in Bologna

????Vicini al sogno, tutti in Libreria IBS a BOLOGNA

Vi aspetto Tutti con Marco Mangiarotti, relatore appassionato, già critico e firma di QN.

“Il pugilato mi ha avvicinato a Dio.
Solo se il cuore ha sofferto così tanto,
i pugni non li senti…da qui il mio coraggio
senza paura di “Combattente” o meglio
“Il Fighter d’Italia” -Giancarlo Garbelli-


??Close to the dream, see you all at IBS library in Bologna
Tomorrow April 14th at 06:00PM in BOLOGNA’s IBS Library! I’ll be there for you all,  with Marco Mangiarotti passionate journalist, already critic and signature of QN newspaper.

“Boxing brought me closer to God.
Only if your heart has suffered a lot,
you don’t feel the punches…
from here on came my courage without fear as warrior,
or better “Il Fighter d’Italia.” -Giancarlo Garbelli-