TYSON FURY vs DERECK CHISORA ancora una volta e di più!
Questa sera al Tottenham Hotspur Stadium a Londra, TYSON FURY mette in palio il suo titolo dei Pesi Massimi WBC vs DERECK CHISORA. Dopo ben due vittorie, vs lo stesso avversario, DERECK CHISORA già nel 2011 e nel 2014, The Gypsy King, vuole stravincere, ha bisogno di certezze per affrontare il prossimo futuro.
E allora stanotte in pallio la Cintura più prestigiosa, la WBC, con la fermezza di conservarla.
Ieri così sulla bilancia i due Pesi Massimi:
Questi due ragazzoni sono due casinisti al quadrato!
L’animo umano tutto può, così la massima felicità possibile, e così la massima infelicità.
TYSON FURY, nessuna gloria Olimpica, cresciuto con il mito di MIKE TYSON, suo papà era più che un accanito tifoso sino a dare il nome al figlio… dicevo FURY é riuscito non solo una volta a sconfiggere a casa del suo avversario, appunto WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO in Germania, ma dopo la sua “resurrezione” ben altre tre volte FURY ha lasciato l’amaro a casa dell’avversario, o due volte e mezza considerato il primo match un pareggio; infatti il britannico, The Gypsy King, castigherà anche l’americano DEONTAY “the Bronze Bomber” WILDER, nel suo giardino, a Las Vegas, strappando per ben due volte via KO la Cintura WBC.
TYSON FURY, mi ha conquistato dopo la sua rinascita, ho apprezzato l’Uomo che è diventato, ha battuto i suoi demoni.
Qualche volta il nemico è dentro di noi. Lui, il suo ad oggi lo ha sconfitto. Credo che non smetterà mai di ringraziare la Boxe.
CHISORA, cittadino britannico, nato nello Zimbawe ha vinto l’ultimo match vs il bulgaro, KUBRAT PULEV, direi ormai vintage, infatti nei prossimi giorni saranno per lui 41 anni. Ma a CHISORA, 38 anni, gli è bastato per far rumore e rimettersi in gioco sul ring di stasera.
CHISORA, ha un bel jab, lavora bene di gambe. Pugile di livello, ma ha perso contro tutti nei suoi anni migliori…per esempio, Vitali Klitchko, Robert Helenius, David Haye…E lo stesso Kubrat Pulev, non certo lo stesso dell’ultimo match.
Il Promoter di TYSON FURY, tra i grandi della storia non solo inglese, FRANK WARREN, ha subito preso in mano le sorti di TYSON FURY e sino ad oggi divide ogni gloria, con il più geniale dei promoter, l’americano BOB ARUM.
CHISORA guadagnerà appena 9 milioni di €uro circa…mentre TYSON “The Gypsy King” FURY circa 60 milioni! Una battaglia tutta britannica.
Lo spettacolo ci sarà perché entrambi sono due intrattenitori. Fury è però il Re Leone.
E questa notte sarà solo un ruggito di richiamo all’ucraino, all’avversario che davvero vuole: tra le menti più geniali della storia della boxe: OLEKSANDR USYK.
Pronostico…? FURY tutta la notte!
A dopo il match intorno all’una di di questa prossima notte.
POST SCRIPTUM aggiornamento h 01:00 di oggi 4 dicembre
CHISORA ha sopportato di tutto con la sua grinta. Ma non c’era bisogno di arrivare al 10° round. Fury si è confermato una furia dominante. Il match era già concluso al 5° massimo 6° round. Ma l’angolo non ne voleva sapere di fermare il match. Nonostante l’arbitro avesse avvertito che non poteva durare.
CHISORA è apparso un fiero guerriero, non vecchio a mio parere, certamente non all’altezza di TYSON FURY. Un tale divario di potenza, abilità, francamente si è visto raramente.
Questo match avrà rinfrancato FURY…?!
Mah…l’incontro vero, inteso a parità di competenza, abilità, sarà USYK vs FURY. E tutte le Cinture in palio sanciranno il migliore Peso Massimo di questa generazione.
I 60.000 spettatori dell’arena Tottenham a Londra, hanno visto USYK a bordo ring, sono già rassicurati che il match ci sarà!
FURY un’attrazione così irriverente da provocare USYK.
The Gypsy King, non si é ancora reso conto che USYK é un FIGHTER in guerra, quella vera in Ucraina.
DEONTAY WILDER al momento del crollo per il conteggio dell’arbitro, nell’ultimo round del loro 1° match di 3. PHOTO BY ESTHER LIN/SHOWTIME🥊🥊DEONTAY WILDER upon collapsing for the referee’s count, in the last round of their 1st fight of 3. PHOTO BY ESTHER LIN/SHOWTIME
WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO vs TYSON FURY, Dusseldorf 28 11 2015, match per le Cinture WBA, IBF, IBO.
Andres Valencia
Invasion of Ukraine, 2022
Archival Pigment Print
32.50 x 40″. Edition of 550
Signed & numbered.
US$ 950.00
The print will be available to purchase at www.chasecontemporary.com,
on Thursday, December 1st, 12pm EST
100% dei profitti andranno @Klitschkofoundation Con questi fondi implenteranno un nuovo programma di salute mentale per i bambini e le loro famiglie.
Join @Klitschko, @andresvalenciaart, @KlitschkoFoundation, @wbcboxing, and @chasecontemporary on this very important cause.
#klitschko #stopthewar #wbcboxing ##chasecontemporary #klitschkofoundation #andresvalenciaart #stayloud #weareallukraineians #standtogether
… qua in italiano il link del mio AudioLibro IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI – il pugilato è violento ma la violenza non è pugilato- http://bit.ly/2Y4zyZr
TYSON FURY vs DERECK CHISORA again and more!
Tonight at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, TYSON FURY puts his WBC Heavyweight title on the line vs DERECK CHISORA. After two victories, against the same opponent, DERECK CHISORA already in 2011 and 2014, The Gypsy King wants to win big but needs certainties to face the near future.
So tonight the most prestigious belt, the WBC, is up for grabs, with the determination to keep it.
Yesterday on the scales the two Heavyweights:
• Tyson Fury 268.6 lbs= 121,800 Kg and Derek Chisora 260.6 lbs=118,200 Kg
These two big boys are two messers squared!
The Gipsy King has the enthusiasm of someone who has taken his life back in hand, after slips, jolts, roller coasters that his emotional sensitivity is unable to contain, the greatest joy for him of his career, victory on points vs WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO.
Immediately the non-stop celebrations … and so he slipped into a deadly tunnel of euphoria loaded with drugs and alcohol, up to the permanent risk of mental illness.
Such self-harm has never been seen and for such a great victory.
The human soul can do everything, thus the maximum possible happiness, and thus the maximum unhappiness.
The night of that fight won’t be remembered because it was a great performance by the two, indeed… a bad match, trust me.
It was truly a strange night in Dusseldorf, Germany, even more, if we consider the value of the two contenders… No, it wasn’t an event, and FURY didn’t do so much to earn that title held for over 11 years by the great Ukrainian, at home in Germany.
It wasn’t a boxing lesson or a competitive superiority of character or personality. None of this. The counting of the judges decreed the score in the cards, as it should, but objectively it was a match where no skill, in either of the two protagonists, was evident and even less in its splendor.
True Wladimir Klitschko was past the peak of his best years.
That night I had suspected it, but I shut up thinking and writing that it was just a “bad” night.
Instead, two years later, at the age of 41, he ended his career definitively by losing the last match of a dazzling career, in front of 90,000 people at Wimbledon, against ANTHONY JOSHUA.
This conclusion was really exciting, among the most beautiful rounds of the Heavyweights, the 5th, 6th, and 7th rounds were unforgettable.
WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO, strength and experience, class at its maximum expression vs a young and well-loaded ANTONY JOSHUA.
Both with an incisive past in the Amateurs, both WLADIMIR Olympic Gold Medals in 1996, ANTHONY JOSHUA 2012.
TYSON FURY, no Olympic glory, grew up with the myth of MIKE TYSON, his father was more than an avid fan until he gave his son his name… I said FURY managed not only once to defeat his opponent at home, precisely WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO in Germany, but after his “resurrection” three more times FURY left a bitter taste at the opponent’s house, or two and a half times considering the first fight a draw; in fact the British, The Gypsy King, will also punish the American DEONTAY “the Bronze Bomber” WILDER, in his garden, in Las Vegas, snatching the WBC Belt twice by KO.
TYSON FURY, conquered me after his rebirth, I appreciated the Man he became, he beat his demons.
Sometimes the enemy is within us. He, the of him to date has defeated him. I think he will never stop thanking Boxing.
CHISORA, a British citizen, born in Zimbabwe won the last fight against the Bulgarian, KUBRAT PULEV, I would say by now vintage, in fact, in the next few days, it will be 41 years old. But for CHISORA, 38 years, it was enough for him to make noise and get back into the game in tonight’s ring.
CHISORA, has a nice jab and good footwork. A good level boxer, but he lost against everyone in his best years … for example, Vitali Klitschko, Robert Helenius, David Haye … And Kubrat Pulev himself, certainly not the same as in the last fight.
The Promoter of TYSON FURY, one of the greats in history not only in the UK, FRANK WARREN, immediately took over the fate of TYSON FURY and up to now shares all glory with the most brilliant of promoters, the American BOB ARUM.
CHISORA will earn just about 9 million €uro…while TYSON “The Gypsy King” FURY about 60 million! In tonight’s all-British battle.
The show will be there because both are two entertainers. Fury is for the Lion King.
And tonight will be just a roar calling to the Ukrainian, to the opponent he really wants: one of the most brilliant minds in the history of boxing: OLEKSANDR USYK.
Prediction…? FURY all night long!
I’ll be back as usual after the fight around 01:00 AM in Milano…
POST SCRIPTUM updated at 01:00 today 4 December
CHISORA has endured everything with his grit. But he didn’t have to get to the 10th round. Fury has proven to be a dominant fury. The fight was already concluded in the 5th maximum 6th round. But the corner didn’t want to stop the match. Despite the referee’s warning that it could not last. CHISORA appeared a proud warrior, not old in my opinion, certainly not worthy of TYSON FURY. Such a gap in power, and skill is, frankly rarely seen.
Is this fight cheered up FURY … Really?!
Well… the real fight, intended for equal competence, and skill will be USYK vs FURY. And all the Belts up for grabs will sanction the best Heavyweight of this generation.
The 60,000 spectators at the Tottenham arena in London, who saw USYK at ringside, are already reassured that the bout will take place!
FURY is such an irreverent attraction as to provoke USYK. The Gypsy King has not yet realized that USYK is a FIGHTER in war, the real one in Ukraine.
Andres Valencia
Invasion of Ukraine, 2022
Archival Pigment Print
32.50 x 40″. Edition of 550
Signed & numbered.
US$ 950.00
The print will be available to purchase at www.chasecontemporary.com,
on Thursday, December 1st, 12pm EST
100% of the profits are going to the @Klitschkofoundation With these funds they will implement a new mental health program for children and their families.
Join @Klitschko, @andresvalenciaart, @KlitschkoFoundation, @wbcboxing, and @chasecontemporary on this very important cause.
#klitschko #stopthewar #wbcboxing ##chasecontemporary #klitschkofoundation #andresvalenciaart #stayloud #weareallukraineians #standtogether
hear me… in Italian original language my AudioBook IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI http://bit.ly/2Y4zyZr