E l’ambizione alla libertà é nel DNA di un popolo sovrano.
Buongiorno alle decine di migliaia che mi leggono ogni giorno.
Vitali Klitschko in ucraino al suoi concittadini di Kiev.
un’ora fa Vitali Klitschko ha postato:
Come tutti quelli che hanno un blog, posso vedere il grafico delle nazioni che mi leggono. Sino a 5 giorni fa, l’Ucraina era visibile nella lista dei paesi europei che mi leggono, in decine di migliaia al giorno, in centinaia di migliaia all’anno, ora non c’è più.
Da oltre tre mesi sono aumentati improvvisamente i lettori in Romania, sempre di più e al top i lettori in Italia. Le altre nazioni più o meno sono tutte sempre presenti con grandi numeri compresa la Cina e l’India e gli USA.
Scrivo della mia ammirazione per questi grandi Campioni di Boxe – Vitali e Wladimir Klitschko. per come li vivo per quello che riesco da lontano qui a Milano.
É davvero un sentimento di grande conforto perché in questa assurda guerra, loro i nostri Amici campioni in prima linea, dal ring alla vita, dimostrano a fatti che gli anni spesi nella boxe sono stati anni di formazione per essere guide sicure di trasmissione di lealtà e di potenza. Certo fisica e mentale.
Noi occidentali abbiamo perso quei valori per cui la libertà non si può sacrificare.
Va detto, i più sono viziati e diamo per garantito che la libertà ci sia dovuta. No, dobbiamo difenderla sempre.
Mettimalo in conto che dovremo fare rinunce anche noi, o soccombiamo!
I F.lli KLITSCHKO con tutto l’orgoglio del determinato fantastico, popolo ucraino ci dimostrano che la libertà va difesa senza compromessi. Da valorosi.
Ci sarà una negoziazione l’ho augurata. Ma non la resa. E la mia non è una scommessa.
É la razionalità che lo chiede.
Intanto anche l’Italia con la Germania inviano uomini e armi all’Ucraina.
E l’ambizione alla libertà é nel DNA di un popolo sovrano.
Il Presidente dell’Ucraina VLADIMIR ZELENSKI che non ho l’onore di conoscere così da vicino e toccato con mano come invece i F.lli Klitschko, è la conferma che sane radici d’ispirazione all’Arte, e così la Nobile Arte Pugilistica hanno portato alla luce, risvegliato i valori determinanti per un’esistenza di libertà.
Tenere a bada l’armata russa di un lucido assassino quale Vladimir Putin, troppo comodo sbatterla in malattia mentale…lo può solo un popolo così affamato di libertà!
Ecco quella “la fame” che nella boxe ha più interpretazioni, e ci ha dimostrato spesso che non è solo fame di cibo.
L’ambizione alla libertà é nel DNA di un popolo sovrano.
L’Ucraina ci sta dimostrando tutta la forza, la determinazione di un popolo sovrano.
E come esaltano i F.lli Vitali e Wladimir Klitschko almeno con il cuore, mi unisco a loro e a tutto l’orgoglioso popolo ucraino: Gloria all’Ucraina!
Vitali Klitschko Peso Mssimo e Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Peso Medio …entrambi con la mascella granitica, mai in KO! Come pochi altri, anche mio Padre non è mai andato a KO! **Vitali Klitschko Heavy Weight and Marvelous Marvin Hagler Middleweight…both a granite chin, never were KO! As other few, also, my Father never suffer a KO!
… qua in italiano il link del mio AudioLibro IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI http://bit.ly/2Y4zyZr
And the ambition for freedom is in the DNA of a sovereign people.
Good morning to the tens of thousands who read to me every day.
an hour ago Vitali Klitschko posted for his Kyiv citizen
“Friends! Dear Kievans!
Kyiv continues to hold the defense. There are no Russian troops in the capital.
But our military, law enforcement, and terborona continue to detect and defame the funny ones.
There were riots and shootings at night. Some large diversion groups were destroyed.
For the safety of the residents, we have imposed a curfew until tomorrow morning. Don’t go out on the street. You can only get out if you go to the refuge from the air warning signal.
Russia sets fire to residential neighborhoods in Ukraine’s capital. Russia is killing Ukrainians all over Ukraine!
In Kyiv since the attack began, 9 civilians have been killed or killed since 24 February, including a child. 4 unknowns, and 18 military and robotic fighters.
106 people were injured. 47 were civilians. Three children in particular. Including a 17-year-old cadet.
In the morning via Lavruhina there was an explosion in the courtyard of a 16-story building. 7 private cars caught fire. 1–15 story windows and balconies damaged by the blast wave.
People from one entrance were evacuated. The dead, thank God, not found. Patience – before minor injuries.
Overall, the situation in the city is currently under control.
All critical infrastructures work. Public transport does not drive. The subway is too. Metro stations operate as a refuge for people.
The capital’s hospitals operate in military time mode. They accept both those seeking emergency help and those brought by ambulances.
For today the transfusion centers are provided by blood components.
The greatest need is that of donors with negative results. I ask everyone who can join and become donors.
After the end of the curfew, blood for the wounded can be donated in the centers on Petra Zaporozhyce Street, 26, and Maxim Berlin Street, 12.
Kyiv creates a humanitarian headquarters to help the Kievans in need.
We are working on the logistics. And in the near future, we will make contacts to collect aid and volunteers. And also – information on where to turn to those who need help.
I ask everyone to keep up with this. And stay at home or in shelters.
Military, police, and national guard, defense of terror, and welfare protect the city.
I am grateful to all the Kyivans, to the companies that want or have already agreed to help as much as possible in this situation so that Kyiv can stand up.
Together we will stand! You understand: victory will be, but it will be only in the fight!
There will be a victory because the army is with us, the defense of terror is with us and justice is with us! Ukraine is with us!
Glory to Ukraine! And glory to all those who care, who protect the homeland!”
here KLITSCHKO in original Ukranian
As someone who has a blog, I can see the graph of the countries that read me. Until 5 days ago, Ukraine was visibly listed as a European country, among the countries that read me, in tens of thousands a day, in hundreds of thousands a year, it’s gone now.
For more than three months the number of readers in Romania has suddenly increased, more and more and at the top the readers in Italy. The other nations are more or less always present with large numbers including China and India, so the USA.
I write about my admiration for these great Boxing Champions – Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko, for how I live them for what I can from afar here in Milan.
It’s truly a feeling of great comfort because in this absurd war, our Friends, champions on the front line, from the ring to life, prove to facts that the years spent in boxing have been years of training to be sure guides for the transmission of loyalty and of power. Sure physical and mental.
We, Westerners, have lost those values for which freedom cannot be sacrificed.
It must be said, most are spoiled and we take it for granted that the freedom is due to us. No, we have to defend and protect it all time.
Let us know that we too will have to make sacrifices or we will succumb!
The KLITSCHKO brothers with all the pride of the determined fantastic, Ukrainian people show us that freedom must be defended without compromise. As valorous.
There will be a negotiation I wished it. But not surrender. And mine is not a bet.
It’s rationality that asks for it.
Meanwhile, Italy and Germany are also sending men and weapons to Ukraine.
And the ambition for freedom is in the DNA of a sovereign people.
The President of Ukraine VLADIMIR ZELENSKI, whom I do not have the honor to know so closely and touched by hand as the Klitschko brothers, is the confirmation that healthy roots of inspiration for Art, and so the Noble Art of Boxing has brought to light, awakened the determining values for the existence of freedom.
Keeping the Russian army of a lucid assassin such as Vladimir Putin at bay, too easy to throw him into mental illness … only a people so hungry for freedom can!
Here is the “hunger” that has more interpretations in boxing, and has often shown us that it is not just hunger for food.
The ambition for freedom is in the DNA of a sovereign people.
Ukraine is showing us all the strength, the determination of a sovereign people.
And as Brothers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko exalt at least with the heart, I join them and all the proud Ukrainian people: Glory to Ukraine!
Ieri 26 02 2022 la mia Milano per l’Ucraina **Yesterday, Feb 26th, 22, my Milano for Ukraina.
… in Italian original language my AudioBook IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI http://bit.ly/2Y4zyZr