TENTAZIONI METROPOLITANE che onore il mio Film alla Cineteca di Milano!
Il dizionario dice che: “Il termine museo deriva dal greco antico mouseion, «luogo sacro alle Muse», figlie di Zeus e protettrici delle arti e delle scienze, patronate da Apollo.”
Non se vi rendete conto, ma essere tra i classici rende davvero orgogliosi!

MORANDO MORANDINI, a cinematographic critique between the most acculturated, at the opening in Venice Film Festival wrote: “A film that has a rare quality in Italian cinema: grit”
TENTAZIONI METROPOLITANE what honor my Movie at the Film Library of Milano!
What a great honor that my movie TENTAZIONI METROPOLITANE is also at the prestigious Film Library of Milano!
I love the word CINEMA’s MUSEUM… mean my work is there for the next generations?! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I’m gloating…
Dictionary says: “the term museum derives from the ancient Greek mouseion, “sacred place to the Muses”, daughters of Zeus and protectors of the arts and sciences, patronized by Apollo”.
With an unstoppable desire to live Alessandra spreads her wings to start flying again, but she has to go back to prison every night… she lives in semi-freedom. Her dreams are shattered by fears, obstacles, mistrust, and temptations. Her difficulties lead her to an escape from herself and from the world around her… Will she be able to overcome all this?
Movie viewing € 5.00