MARIO DRAGHI BEN HA FATTO A DIMETTERSI. “UN VINCENTE NON DEVE MISURARSI CON I BROCCHI. Si fa intenerire…e i mediocri ne abusano!” cit. Giancarlo Garbelli
I vincenti con i brocchi perdono! É lo squallore in cui è precipitata l’Italia, senza ormai nessun guizzo di orgoglio, di inventiva, di coraggio di osare è ormai sotto gli occhi di tutto il mondo! Cultura inesistente pilotata da menti incapaci.
Qua i miei titoli di testa, per farvi assaggiare a quali protagonisti e certo l’inedito contenuto di 4 ore di docu-film che LE GIORNATE DEGLI AUTORI hanno rifiutato a me AUTRICE GIANNA GARBELLI!!! L’email poi è un riciclo di risposta dopo aver setacciato tutto il mio BLOG dove mai le ho mandate a dire! E mai cancellerò. Perché la Storia non si cancella MAI!
work in progress…e non avete visto i titoli di coda e certo il contenuto…🥊🥊 and you didn’t see the ending credits…and of course not the content
Qua l’ipocrita l’email di pochi minuti fa, SIAMO IN CAMPAGNA ELETTORALE E I BROCCHI SI CONFERMANO ASINI.
dipinto di mio padre Giancarlo Garbelli 🥊🥊painting of my father Giancarlo Garbelli
… qua in italiano il link del mio AudioLibro IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI – il pugilato è violento ma la violenza non è pugilato- http://bit.ly/2Y4zyZr
MARIO DRAGHI BEN HAS RESIGNED. “A WINNER SHOULD NOT BE MEASURED WITH THE JUGS. He gets tender … and the mediocre abuse him!” -quote Giancarlo Garbelli-
-The winners with the chumps lose! It is the squalor into which Italy has fallen, without any flicker of pride, inventiveness, or courage to dare is now under the eyes of the whole world! Non-existent culture driven by incapable minds.
Here are my opening credits, to let you taste which protagonists and certainly the unpublished content of 4 hours of docu-film that THE AUTHORS ‘DAYS refused me AUTHOR GIANNA GARBELLI !!! The email is then a recycle of replies after having sifted through all my BLOG where ever I have sent them to say! And I will never cancel. Because history cannot be erased!
🥊🥊 and you didn’t see the ending credits…
Here is the hypocritical email from a few minutes ago, WE ARE IN THE ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN AND THE PITCHERS have CONFIRMED ASKES.
“Good evening Gianna,
We couldn’t see the updated link. Receiving more than 1000 films we cannot physically review the new versions of films already received and viewed.
You really did a great job and I understand that you are very proud of it, at the same time Days of the Authors are not the ideal home for this film.
The choices we have made so far have gone in another direction and although your work is an important contribution to sporting culture, I agree with what you write, it does not fit in with our editorial line.
Among other things, as I had anticipated, the duration of the film is practically unmanageable for us.
I’m very sorry, these days I send emails that make hundreds of people sad and this is the hardest part of this job.
I wish you with all my heart to find the best venue to present your film.
Thanks for your attention,