MILAN l’è un gran MILAN e vince il Premio EARTH SHOT con Food Waste Hubs!
Essendo nata nella Nobile Arte del Pugilato, mi fa particolarmente piacere che la mia Milano vince in Nobiltà d’Animo e mi auguro che tutte le città del mondo possano seguire questa idea geniale!
Milan cunt el coeur in man!
Milano è la prima a vincere l’Earthshot Prize, la prima edizione del premio internazionale promosso dal principe William e dalla sua associazione benefica, la Royal Foundation.
Milano è stata selezionata tra 750 candidati da tutto il mondo per i suoi Food Waste Hubs, – Hub degli Sprechi Alimentari – che raccolgono e ridistribuiscono gli avanzi di cibo da supermercati, ristoranti e locali.
Gli hub milanesi hanno recuperato 130 tonnellate di cibo in un anno – circa 350 kg al giorno – e fornito 260.000 pasti alle persone bisognose.
Alla città è stato assegnato un milione di euro, che servirà a rafforzare la Food Waste Policy.
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In rappresentanza per Milano il nostro Sindaco Beppe Sala, quello con la cravatta. ** Representative of Milano our Mayor Beppe Sala, the one with the tie.
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and/or on CHILI in Italia-Poland-UK-Germany and Austria
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MILAN is a great MILAN and it wins the EARTH SHOT Prize with Food Waste Hubs!
Being born in the Noble Art of Boxing, I am particularly pleased that my Milano wins in Nobility of Soul and I hope that all the cities of the world can follow this brilliant idea!
Milan cunt el coeur in man! In my Milanese dialect, it means, Milano with the heart in the hand!
Milano is the first city to win the Earthshot Prize, the first edition of the international award promoted by Prince William and his charity, the Royal Foundation.
Milano was selected out of 750 candidates from all over the world for its Food Waste Hubs, which collect and redistribute leftover food from supermarkets, restaurants, and clubs.
The Milanese hubs have recovered 130 tonnes of food in a year – around 350 kg a day – and provided 260,000 meals for people in need. The city was awarded one million euros, which will be used to strengthen the Food Waste Policy.
- English subtitles in USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08J4DXZ1X
- English subtitles in the UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08J4CM6QG
- Deutsche Untertitel in DEUTSCHLAND und ÖSTERREICH https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08J8FYHLZ
and/or on CHILI in Italia-Poland-UK-Germany and Austria
- Italiano lingua originale https://it.chili.com/content/tentazioni-metropolitane-1993/42b4c894-24cc-46af-877e-22bad993388a
- Polskie napisy https://pl.chili.com/content/42b4c894-24cc-46af-877e-22bad993388a
- English subtitles in the UK https://uk.chili.com/content/42b4c894-24cc-46af-877e-22bad993388a
- Deutsche Untertitel in DEUTSCHLAND https://de.chili.com/content/42b4c894-24cc-46af-877e-22bad993388a
- Deutsche Untertitel in ÖSTERREICH https://at.chili.com/content/42b4c894-24cc-46af-877e-22bad993388a