????GIANCARLO GARBELLI LEGGENDA DELLA GRANDE BOXE É PER SEMPRE! oggi 13 marzo 2019 la “premiere” dell’
AudioLibro – IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI – “premiere” 2a edizione 2019 – n. 70 capitoli – durata 22h e 13′
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????GIANCARLO GARBELLI GREAT BOXING LEGEND IS FOR EVER! Today March 13th 2019 the “premiere” of the
AudioBook – IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI – boxing is violent but violent isn’t boxing – “PREMIERE” 2nd edition 2019 (Italian language). #70 chapters – lenght 22h 13′
Dear Friends, if you know Italian language, put on your headphone, download the link, and have Good Listening!
You will hear my voice that narrate you the book I wrote – IL FIGHTER D’ITALIA GIANCARLO GARBELLI – boxing is violent but the violence is not boxing – already winner of the 2016 Bancarella Sport Selection Award, here enriched in this 2019, the 2nd edition.
Thank you for the wonderful article